Personal Repository Guidelines (PRG) | Personal Repository Guidelines (PRG)

PRG Guidelines, Guides, and Files

PRG Contains a number of guides, guidelines, and files to help you get started with your repositories.

Below are the included guidelines to help you get your repositories up and running quickly using the PRG framework. Visit each link to learn more about each guideline.

Category Guidelines
Category Guidelines

Guidelines for categorizing your repository tiers and naming conventions.

Brand Guidelines
Brand Guidelines

Guidelines for creating your own brand for your project.

README Guidelines
README Guidelines

Guidelines for repository READMEs.

Repository Structure Guidelines
Repository Structure Guidelines

Guidelines for repository structure and files.

Repository Settings Guidelines
Repository Settings Guidelines

Guidelines for repository settings.

PRG Portfolio Website
PRG Portfolio Website

An example PRG Portfolio from PRG's creator.

Table Generator Guide
Table Generator Guide

Guide for setting up the Python (PyRG) project tier table generator script.

Badge Reference Guide
Badge Reference Guide

Guide for displaying the tier badges.

Template Guide
Template Guide

Guide for using the provided templates.

Platinum Tier Template
Platinum Tier Template

Platinum project template for your repositories.

Gold Tier Template
Gold Tier Template

Gold project template for your repositories.

Silver Tier Template
Silver Tier Template

Silver project template for your repositories.

Bronze Tier Template
Bronze Tier Template

Bronze project template for your repositories.

PRG Connection File (PRGCF)
PRG Connection File

Connection File (PRGCF) for your repositories.

Table Generator Script
Table Generator Script

Python script for generating the project tier table (PyRG).

Project Tier Table
Project Tier Table

Project tier table for your projects.

Private Project Tier Table
Private Project Tier Table

Project tier table for external/non-GitHub or private projects.

License Example Directory
License Example Directory

Directory for license examples for your repositories (MIT, Apache, etc.).

PRG's Official Website
PRG's Official Website

A website dedicated to PRG and all of those who utilize it.

PRG's Official Website Repository
PRG's Official Website Repository

Submit a pull request to add your PRG Portfolio to the PRG Showcase.

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