Personal Repository Guidelines (PRG) | Personal Repository Guidelines (PRG)

Welcome to PRG! 👋

What is PRG?

Personal Repository Guidelines, or PRG for short, is a repository categorization and guideline framework. By harnessing the power of GitHub Actions, it automatically crafts a tier-based display, neatly categorizing your repositories for enhanced clarity and impact. Beyond mere organization, it sets forth comprehensive guidelines, templates for READMEs, and overall repository structure, ensuring each project is showcased with maximum professionalism and coherence.

Visit the Personal Repository Guidelines (PRG) GitHub repository to get started!

Check out a finished PRG Portfolio in action and see how it can help you categorize your projects and repositories!

PRG Showcase

The PRG Showcase is a collection of personal and organizational accounts that use PRG to showcase their projects and portfolios.

If you'd like to get recognition and add your GitHub profile and PRG Portfolio to the below showcase, please follow the README instructions and submit a pull request to the PRG Website Repository (this website).

  • Click on the GitHub username below to view the users GitHub profile.
  • Click on the image bubble to view the PRG Portfolio, a list of all the projects categorized using PRG, for each account below.